We also perform tailored property searches to support those businesses wishing to relocate or expand their businesses within our area and can link to industry experts to aid your decision process.

Invest in B&NES is the business-facing brand of Bath & North East Somerset Council and is managed by the Business & Skills Team.

The team manages a host of business support packages to help both start-ups and established companies succeed in the area. We can link you in to a network of advisors, sector specialists and property experts. 

We promote Bath & North East Somerset as excellent location to do business by publishing resources, information, case studies and development site information. Our website is also a great source of local business opportunities, events, and news.  

Speak to one of our Business Engagement Officers to find out what we can do for you.

Contact us

If you are more interested in employment, skills and developing your workforce, please visit our sister site Achieve in B&NES.  

We work in partnership with other local organisations to deliver services to our business community.