Stallholder Applications - Bath Christmas Market

Stallholder Applications

Every year, they offer hundreds of artisan traders, caterers, and community groups the opportunity to showcase what they do best. There are opportunities for businesses of all shapes and sizes to get involved including 18-day lets, short-term lets, and Christmas Carts. Not-for-profits and community groups may be eligible for a free chalet.


They have three different chalet rental layouts; Corner chalets, Barn door style chalets, and Countertop style chalets.

Christmas Carts

Christmas Carts are situated on Green Street and are available for three or four-day lets. These are specifically reserved for small, local micro-businesses that may have not attended Bath Christmas Market before but want to try their hand at the festive experience.

Food and Drink Stalls

If you are looking to sell food and drink as a stallholder, this is specifically designed to be consumed off-site. All food and drink sold from their chalets must be sealed and packaged appropriately.

Before applying, please take some time to read through the information pack, site plan, and price list thoroughly.

Apply here.

All applications will be reviewed after the closing date on 8th May.