University of Bath to lead £12M project on revolutionising food production

University of Bath to lead £12M project on revolutionising food production

Led by the University of Bath, the Cellular Agriculture Manufacturing Hub will run for seven years and aims to transform food production, transitioning to an environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable model in which novel manufacturing systems complement traditional food production. This could drastically reduce carbon emissions and land use compared with traditional meat manufacture, for instance.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is funding the hub under its Manufacturing Research Hubs for a Sustainable Future initiative.

At Bath Professor Marianne Ellis will lead the project, working with colleagues from the Institute for Sustainability, Faculty of Engineering & Design, and School of Management including Professor Chris Chuck, Professor Marcelle McManus, Professor Davide Mattia, Professor Linda Newnes, Dr Hannah Leese, Dr Ming Xie and Prof Brian Squire.

The multidisciplinary project also includes colleagues from the University of Birmingham, University of Aberystwyth, University College London, and the Royal Agricultural University, with an array of expertise spanning the underpinning sciences, engineering, and social sciences as well as a range of industrial partners.

Continue reading about the project here.