The Local Plan Options document, recently approved by the Cabinet on 1st February, marks a crucial step in shaping the future of our district. We value your input and invite you to participate in the eight-week consultation, which will run from 12th February to 8th April.
Options for addressing our future development needs, including the delivery of new homes and jobs across Bath and North East Somerset, as well as policies addressing a range of issues including the climate and ecological emergencies, are presented for your consideration and comment. These options align with the council’s Corporate Strategy and Economic Strategy, aiming for a fairer, more prosperous, and sustainable economy.
Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their thoughts on the proposed options by responding to an interactive version of the Local Plan online here, as well as taking part in a series of in-person events.
Representations can be made through the Council website or by post to Planning Policy, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Bath, BA1 1JG. Please note that we will not be accepting representations sent by email.
Find out more
Videos on the council website will give step-by-step guidance on ‘How to Comment on the Local Plan’ and explain ‘What is a Local Plan’ as well as outlining how the various options would help to deliver the council’s priorities on housing, the climate emergency and sustainable transport. A second set of videos discuss specific locations identified in the Options report, as alternatives or options for potential development.
A series of drop-in sessions where people can discuss the options with council officers have been arranged at the following locations:
- Keynsham Community Space, 22 February
- Trinity Church, Radstock, 26 February
- Saltford Hall, 29 February
- The Hive, Peasedown St John, 1 March
- Bath Cricket Club, 4 March
- Whitchurch United Reform Church, 6 March
- Farrington Gurney Village Hall, 13 March.
All the drop-in events run from 3pm to 7pm.
Printed copies of the plan are available at Bath Central Library; Keynsham Library; Midsomer Norton Library; Bath Housing, Welfare and Advice Services and community libraries.
Consultation dates
The consultation opens today (12 February) and runs for eight weeks until 8 April. You are encouraged to respond online on the council website here.
Next steps
Following the consultation, the issues raised in all comments and feedback will be carefully considered, and a Draft Local Plan will be produced, which will be subject to further consultation. The Draft Local Plan and comments received on it will then be submitted to the Secretary of State and examined by an independent planning inspector in 2025. If approved, it will be adopted by the council.
For more information about the development of the new Local Plan please visit the council’s website here.