North Somerset Rural Businesses and Communities: Boost Your Prosperity!

Rural England Prosperity Fund North Somerset

This programme is designed to specifically support rural areas by providing funding for capital projects that will have a positive impact on businesses and communities.

What kind of projects are eligible?

  • Businesses: Looking to invest in innovation, improve productivity with energy-efficient technologies, create jobs, or enhance your local retail, hospitality, or leisure offerings?
  • Community Groups: Do you have a project that fosters local pride and belonging? This could involve improvements to community infrastructure, and green spaces, or launching exciting community-led initiatives.

Before you apply:

  • Check your eligibility: Make sure your project falls within a designated rural area.
  • Align your project: Ensure your project aligns with the program's objectives as outlined by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs).

This is your chance to secure funding to make your rural dream a reality. The application window closes on the 20th June 2024, so click here to learn more or apply today.