Social Economy West: Boosting Social Impact Businesses in the West of England

Social Economy West

Addressing Growing Needs

Social Economy West recognises the increasing demand placed on social impact organisations due to the cost-of-living crisis. By providing vital resources, expertise, and guidance, the programme equips these businesses to:

  • Expand their reach and impact: Explore new growth opportunities to serve more people in the community.
  • Manage rising demand: Develop strategies to effectively handle the surge in need for services.
  • Build resilience: Become more sustainable economically and environmentally.
  • Mitigate risks: Implement strategies to navigate potential challenges.
  • Diversify income: Secure a wider range of funding sources.

Tailored Support for Success

Social Economy West goes beyond just offering financial aid. In collaboration with experienced social sector partners, the programme offers a comprehensive package of support services, including:

  • One-on-one coaching and guidance tailored to your organisation's specific needs.
  • Practical workshops on a variety of relevant topics, based on identified needs.
  • Mentorship from seasoned social entrepreneurs who can share their expertise.
  • Opportunities to connect and collaborate with like-minded organisations through peer networks.
  • A competitive Accelerator programme designed to propel high-potential businesses to the next level.

Who Can Benefit?

Social Economy West is open to any organisation located within the West of England Combined Authority region that has a core social mission. This encompasses a wide range of entities, including:

  • Social enterprises and community businesses
  • Registered charities
  • Voluntary and community sector organisations
  • Housing associations
  • Co-operatives and mutuals

Get Involved!

Ready to make a bigger impact in your community? Social Economy West can help! Learn more about the programme's offerings by emailing the team directly.

To apply for support and unlock your organisation's full potential, simply fill out the online application form here.

Together, let's build a stronger, more vibrant social economy in the West of England!